Don't Stop / Nepřestávej

Tereza Lenerová is an Aerowaves Twenty21 artist, with the work Don't Stop

Tereza Lenerová tackles the intangible worlds of music, passion and sensuality in her solo Don’t Stop. Eager to control music like a conductor, who appears to hold the key to that world, the dancer struggles with live music –passion– dominating her physical expression, apparently, in disharmony.

Throughout this electrifying solo, Lenerová inquires when and how we assume the role of conductor in our lives; to what extent do we have passion under control and when does passion have control over us. Who is the conductor within us?

Concept, choreography: Tereza Hradilková
Performer: Tereza Hradilková
Dramaturgy: Lukáš Jiřička
Music: Floex, Antonio Vivaldi
Light design: Zuzana Režná
Costume: Marjetka Kürner Kalous
Line producer: Veronika Hladká
Producer: Jakub Hradilek
Co-production: Tanec Praha / PONEC – dance venue, Studio Truhlárna, Centre
national de la dance Pantin, Czech Centre Paris, Plum Yard
Supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, City of Prague, Foundation Život umělce
Special thanks: Jan Horák
Thanks: Jean Gaudin, Fabienne Haber
Duration: 35 min
Foto: Vojtěch Brtnický, Michal Hančovský

Premiere: 21th December 2019, PONEC – dance venue

This piece has been selected by AEROWAVES Twenty21

Awards:  Special mention at the Czech Dance Platform Festival 2020


„Now there’s this woman in front of us; it’s evident she’s willing to succumb to every excitement music can offer; as for a while she would find it pleasant to be dominated by the music; later, she would rather draw her pleasure from the fact that now, she’s the one who will decide how it’s all gonna be. Or she can retreat and just watch all this dialectic unfold. But most of all, she’s present, here and now, with her whole experience, which, apparently, can be quite enjoyable as well.”  (Lucie Kocourková / Opera+ 27.1.2019):


„Especially those few particular scenes carried out with a precision nearing that of a mime artist, when the performer embodies the persona of the Maestro, offer such mesmerizing perfection you might want to savor them much, much longer.”


„Her performance is permeated by eroticism and compulsion; there’s submission to both feeling and instinct, there’s raw bodily presence, as well as desires and passions held tightly under control. At the given moment, the quest for the meaning of life finds its expression in a single proposition: Don’t Stop.”  (Lucie Hayaschi / Taneční aktuality, 1.1.2019)