This dance piece reacts to the speediness with which we run through the world nowadays. We keep fixing one deadline after another, yet we are worried to think about the very deadline of our own. The more possibilities there are, the more things we are obliged to do: eventually, we become hostages to our own freedom. Do we choose how to deal with our time or is it time that chooses how to deal with us?
Koncept, režie: Tereza Lenerová Hradilková
Interpretace: Kateřina Dietzová, Pasi Mäkelä
Dramaturgie: Jan Horák
Světelný design: Tomáš Morávek, Rasťo Juháš
Světla: Rasťo Juháš
Hudba: Stanislav Abrahám
Scéna a kostýmy: Barbora Zelníčková
Koučink: Dominique Boivin
Partneři: divadlo Ponec, Pap-rna, Ministerstvo kultury ČR, Studio ALTA, Truhlárna, Divus, Crew, Studio Hrdinů
Poděkování: Jan Bárta, Daniela Voráčková, Radka Homolová, Jakub Hradilek